Get Closer to St. Patrick’s Day Traditions
Karen DiDonato ⋅ March 15, 2021
Saint Patrick’s Day, coming up on March 17, is the one day each year that anyone can be Irish – if not by birthright, then by spirit.
There are many legends about Saint Patrick, the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. My favorite was that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland, but the most popular is that of the shamrock, which he used to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity (the belief that God eternally exists in three people). As a result, the shamrock, which is the national flower of Ireland, is also the symbol of St. Patrick’s Day.
Although St. Patrick did his work in Ireland, the country that celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with the biggest celebrations is not Ireland, it’s the United States. According to the 2018 US Census, 32 million or 9.9 percent of U.S. residents claim Irish ancestry.
So on this Saint Paddy’s Day, I present you with traditions across the US and a way to get there — by finding a new job in the field of clinical and/or anatomic pathology.
As mentioned above, Chicago has a longstanding annual tradition of dyeing the Chicago River green. How do they do it? The job entails a two-hour boat expedition up and down the Chicago River with nearly 60 pounds of environmentally-friendly dye, which is a top-secret formula.
➡️ Want to see for yourself? Consider these travel and permanent positions in Illinois by clicking here.

Parades are the heartbeat of St. Patrick Day festivities in America. This is not surprising, since the first parade held in St. Patrick’s honor took place in America, not Ireland, in 1601 in what is now St. Augustine, Florida. Unfortunately the pandemic took its toll and the event has been canceled for 2021. This area on the northeast coast of Florida, however, is gorgeous and worth a visit.
➡️ Want to see for yourself? Consider these travel and permanent positions in Florida by clicking here.

New York City has had their own parade since 1762. According to “The first NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade was comprised of a band of homesick, Irish ex-patriots and Irish military members serving with the British Army stationed in the colonies in New York. This was a time when the wearing of green was a sign of Irish pride but was banned in Ireland. In that 1762 parade, participants reveled in the freedom to speak Irish, wear green, sing Irish songs and play the pipes to Irish tunes that were meaningful to the Irish immigrants of that time.”
➡️ Want to see for yourself? Consider these travel and permanent positions in New York by clicking here.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the popular bright green Shamrock Shake that McDonald’s makes available at participating locations. In 1940 Dick and Mac McDonald opened McDonald’s Bar-B-Q restaurant on Fourteenth and E streets in San Bernardino. This original restaurant is now a museum.
➡️ Want to see for yourself? Consider these travel and permanent positions in California by clicking here.

The McDonalds brothers were born in New Hampshire to Irish immigrants. According to the US Census Bureau, parts of Massachusetts and New Hampshire make up a large portion of people with Irish ancestry. That makes perfect sense for why the Manchester, NH St. Patrick’s Day parade is the city’s largest community event with more than 70,000 attending and participating.
➡️ Want to see for yourself? Consider these travel and permanent positions in New Hampshire by clicking here.
The Manchester, New Hampshire St. Patrick’s Day parade is canceled for 2021, but is scheduled for March 27, 2022 — that’s ten days after St. Patrick’s Day. Why is that exciting? If you are in New England around that time, you’ll have time to drive a few hours to check out the March 17th festivities in and around Boston, Massachusetts.
According to “Bostonians were the first to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in North America. On March 17, 1737, as a gesture of solidarity among the city’s new Irish immigrants, Boston’s Irish community joined together in festivities of their homeland and to honor the memory of the below Patron Saint of Ireland.” While in Boston, check out The Kinsale (across from City Hall Plaza). Built in Ireland and shipped to Boston, the Kinsale replicates a real Irish pub.
➡️ Want to see for yourself? Consider these travel and permanent positions in Massachusetts by clicking here.
Interestingly enough there are multiple Dublins in the United States. Check out this list of non-Irish Dublins (not including townships or unincorporated communities) and corresponding job opportunities.
- Dublin, California
- Dublin, Georgia
- Dublin, Indiana
- Dublin, New Hampshire
- Dublin, North Carolina
- Dublin, Ohio
- Dublin, Pennsylvania
- Dublin, Texas
- Dublin, Virginia
Lastly, I leave you with this lovely Irish saying:
May the winds of fortune sail you,
May you sail a gentle sea,
May it always be the other guy who says “This drink’s on me.”
If you are looking for a new position in the field of clinical or anatomic pathology, we would be happy to help. Take a look through our open positions or give us a call.
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort! (That’s “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day” in Irish!)